Monday, June 4, 2012

I just have to share!

As a kid, my family frequented the farmers market of Minneapolis.  My parents, and Aunt Mary and Uncle Don were friends with Pat and Dale of Patnode Produce (which is still vending today at site 322). Now, As an adult, I love to go there still and see all of the fresh fruits veggies and plants.  It is an amazing variety of both food, lively atmosphere, ethnic groups, and entertainers. You can't help but feel invigorated by the experience. Although my heart truly does belong to Minneapolis Farmers Market I really do have a passion for any commerce that involves fresh, local, sustainable farming and business.  So, I've been adventurous. Mostly with the help of my cousin/cohort Merry, we've ventured off to other markets over the past couple years since she moved to MN from CA.  It has been a real treat having a partner in crime! haha! So, we've found some great tarts and cheeses and produce at Mill City Market (downtown Mpls). Also, where I was introduced to one of my favorite ingredients the Garlic Scape which is really hard to come by.  This past weekend we ventured to the St Paul Farmers Market on 5th.  I really enjoyed checking it out. Of course all of the vendors were UBER friendly and willing to let you sample most anything you asked. When was the last time you went to the grocery store and had that opportunity?  I loved the St Paul Market! What I liked was that most was locally grown and distributed goods or local food shops coming together under one roof.   The best find, the truffle of this day was GELATO!  OH WOW!!!!  Now, I'm sure being Minnesotan we haven't had much experience with Gelato, but it is becoming ever more popular in place of its in my opinion inferior cousin Ice Cream. (don't judge)  The thing about Gelato that I find different than ice cream are the true flavors (not just super sweet).  When you taste it, your pallette is tricked by the reality of what you are tasting and the sensation of cold accompanying it. The truffle hunt today yielded from a little itty bitty Gelato Cart. The name of the company: Chihuahua Chocolates originally of Woodbury.  

Chihuahua Chocolates
680 Commerce Drive, Suite 100
Woodury, MN 55125
(651) 735-0787

The man at the cart Jim (I assume is an owner) spoke about the product and as we inquired about how they could infuse such dense rich flavor into their Gelato you could hear his passion for the product.  Jim explained how they purchase their cream right from the Local Creamery of Hudson to create their base, pasteurized the old fashioned way right in their own facility. Then they add the best quality ingredients used for the flavorings such as pistachio paste a special variety imported from Italy.  So I had 1/2 Pistachio and 1/2 Salted Caramel  and It was the MOST AMAZING tasting Gelato ever!!!  The pistachio was heavenly! It was sooo very smooth and creamy and just infused perfectly with pistachio. There was no mistaking this product as being 100% SPECTACULAR. I am still thinking about it today!

I urge everyone to check out their local markets and venture to the markets in the cities.  You will be delighted at your finds and maybe even gather a few "truffles" of your own! 

Thursday, May 17, 2012

May 17, 2012

Ladies and Gentleman of the land, come hither!
Read and embark on a journey with me, a journey to find the "truffle". The truffle? Yes, the truffle. Today I embark on a little journey, something I've been contemplating for several months. I, myself want to discover and uncover the "truffles" right here in our own neighborhoods! About this time, you are probably thinking to yourself that I am off my rocker. Stick with me, keep reading! I want to take everyone on an adventure around the Twin Cities. I am going to search the Far and Wide, Near and Dear to our heart Truffles, No, not actual truffles... but metaphorically speaking. I want to search out and find the BEST eats, treats and neat little shops. We are blessed to live in a metropolitan area that is saturated with foodies and people from many different parts of the world who are sharing these amazing "truffles" with us and we don't even know it!
Here is my goal: Once a week, or maybe more often than that, I will adventure to somewhere new and try out what the specialty of the shop is. If I have a chance and time, I will ask patrons of the establishment some key questions such as what they love at said establishment and how long they've been enjoying it, and other elements such as when is it too busy, or any other questions that pop up.
Step 2 to my Truffle Hunt involves you, my readers! Send me your finds, your faves, and your stories of epic eats! I would love to include suggested shops in my blog to keep it from being one-sided. Plus if you send me your little truffles, I will learn about even more great finds and I'm always interested in that!

Ready or Not, Here I come!!!!
Isn't finding a good little secret restaurant or treat shop kinda like when you were a kid playing Hide 'n' seek? or Sardines? You might spend a lot of time, or no time at all searching for something and then when you really find it is soooooo AWESOME!!!! You found it!! Now you have to decide whether or not to tell everyone you know or hoard the find all to yourself. Hide and Seek or Sardines? I say, why hoard the secret all to yourself. If we promote these delish dives they will thrive right? Nothing worse in my book than Mom n Pop shops with the best foods going down hill because they couldn't afford to advertise and ramp up their business. They need and deserve our word of mouth! These little spots create memories for people and that is what is so intriguing. Who has lasting memories of McDonalds, Arby's, Taco Bell, or Applebees? Not many, right?
But who has memories of the local establishment in their neighborhood or town growing up? I know i have a few! The Diner, (no longer in business, but the building still stands) where on many a Sunday my family would meet up with my Aunts and Uncles and their kids (my cousins) and sit and have breakfast together. Where you didn't dare go downstairs to the bathroom because it was something right out of the Phantom of the Opera and you were scared to death to go down there. Pancakes the size of the plate and fresh cooked on the grill right next to the omelettes and other tasty vittles. Or the local sub shop where your parents would get huge subs longer than your arms spread wide, to share. Always made with fresh bread and super fresh ingredients. These are the things I remember.
Send me your childhood memories, and favorites at
I'm looking forward to hearing from you!

Yours truly,
Chanda G.
Truffle Hunter